Wednesday, March 15, 2006

i think i would just rather feel melodramaitic about it. you know how life is not like the the movies, right? you don't get to skip over all the tedious, repetivie and just plain dull moments.
days of the same thing, over and over.
i don't have anything new to to say- i bring no entertainment value. it's like i don't want to call unless i can be mind-blowingly funny and
this, of course, is idiotic; maybe even lame and selfish. but i have empathetic ocd. i convince myself i'm boring you to tears, whether i am or not. and i don't want to annoy you
(wear out my welcome)...
so instead of just calling and having normal conversation, it fits my world view better to just think you are bored with me, and
i'm a poor, misunderstood guy.

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