Friday, August 12, 2005

the unknown

you don't know me; in fact, it's a pretty safe bet that even if you had met me, you wouldn't have any recollection of it. i'm the new guy, the stranger; invisble man. i walk through a crowd and people are only vaguely aware of shape, maybe, an outline, a shimmer, a glint out of the corner of an inattentive eye. but never a focused image. its almost like my person is made of something inherently blurry, vaseline on camera lens. or perhaps more accurately- inherently shadowed. eyes can never quite settle in one place long enough to get a fix, take a reading, but rather swim around uselessly. and this is no pity party- rather a fact, an apparent fundamental truth of my existence, proven countless times, in endless maddening repetition, more constant than the tides. and it's not like i asked for this obscence special un-power, this (until recently) pointless and debasing non-ability of interaction. it's simply how the chemistry and physics of me work out, the most natural thing in the world, in some ways. in fact, i despised this lonely circumstance, this solitude until a realization came upon me, that everything has its opposite, its counterpart that is exactly different, yet inextricably linked through a shared pairing in the universe. if there can be such a thing as celebrity, a person of features so familiar that they appear instantly known and knowable, then there must exist the other, the unknowable, unrecognizable, the un. in fact, it cannot be any other way.

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