Friday, July 29, 2005

a tale under two cities where

lying in bed last night i had an epiphany; i briefly glimpsed the vast inner mechanisms, dirty cogs and worn sprockets that infinitely mesh together in unfathomable rhythmic timing to create all the patterns and predicaments i interpret as life. the links and connections that the waking mind senses subconsciously, but are only ever hinted at cryptically through poetry and art, all became illuminated with the light of, well, if not exactly the sun, at least a flickering flourescent. and a door opened, a true knowledge and understanding of myself, my motivations; needs. and in that moment, i was aware of such beauty! and that this was fundamental; visceral and more true than anything i had ever known. and in an unknowable peace, i slept. today i can't remember any of it. but i do know that i didn't steal your goddamned underwear.

there are to be concerts tonight, two of relevance anyway. one is of a certain band that i'm loosely affiliated with. and it promises to be unpredictable. in another city, a place i've never been, with people i don't know, and expected to be tomorrow; hence there was no practice. therefore, i embrace the random. because it's all there is. and in another town, this town in particular, at the other: a wonderful woman who has recently suffered a terrible unmentionable theft, will sing with her voice like the clouds. i know, of course, of all this, but other parties may be unaware of the circumstances. and i suspect that one of us may anticipate, ultimately with releif at a no show, while the other will hope with only his disapointment to show for it.

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